
streaming movieTHE SHAPE OF WATER (2017) Review: A Masterpiece that I Wish I Liked More.HD

When I first saw the trailer of �The Shape of Water� , I was blown away. It was sweet, heartwarming, and weird at the same time. It is a fantasy love story with a premise that might have so often appeared in one film or another: an unlikely romance between human and non-human. This is actually a typical premise background for director Guillermo del Toro , who is so dedicated and obsessed to monsters and fantasy creatures on films. But �The Shape of Water� seemed different: there�s a nuance of classic in the trailer, something to do with old songs and bleak color pallete. And Sally Hawkins (!), as a mute lady in love with the creature, is a perfect round-up that leads me into an overanticipation towards this film. read more �

streaming movieTHREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI (2017) Review: When Anger Creates Greater Anger.HD

�Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri� is the kind of award film that I think people would actually enjoy and like. This film has just won a Golden Globe for Best Drama, which I kind of disagree�not because of its win (it totally deserves to win!), but because it�s actually very comedic and funny instead of being much of a �drama� film. But it�s not just all fun and laugh, �though; it has a very specific premise that interestingly develops into a much broader dilemma of moral and self-value. read more �

streaming movieLADY BIRD (2017) Review: More than Just A High-School Film.HD

Have you ever seen a film that you felt like most of the things in the film was a totally been-there-done-that experience of your life? �Lady Bird� is that kind of film. Another coming-of-age indie film that achieves to be a shoo-in for this year�s award season, �Lady Bird� brings a very familiar sensation of growing up as a teenager, specifically as a high-school student applying for college, experiencing first love, and (especially) having a hard time with your mother. read more �

streaming movieCALL ME BY YOUR NAME (2017): An Intimate Story of Love.HD

Several hours before the new year�s eve of 2018, I want to share with you a film that really struck me right in the heart when I first saw it several weeks ago. This one�s easily becomes one of my favorite films of the year, and most of the time, when I talk about my favorite films, I refer to those that feel personal or relate to me in reality. This one is not necessarily like that; although may I say I wish I could feel what the characters in this film feel, in one way or another, in real life. This film, called �Call Me by Your Name� , is a queer coming-of-age film that remarkably captured the beautiful complexity of identity-searching of the youth and then transferred the emotional nuance in the process with such an empathetical, intimate style. read more �

streaming movieTHE KILLING OF A SACRED DEER (2017): An Absurd Revenge Story like Nothing Else.HD

No deer was harmed in the making of this film. In fact, �The Killing of a Sacred Deer� does not involve deers at all. The title is metaphoric: the �sacred deer� resembles the tragedy Iphigenia from the Greek mythology�Iphigenia was sacrificed for the sins of her father. Hey, don�t worry! That is not a spoiler. Just from the film posters you can all tell that �The Killing of a Sacred Deer� is nothing about deer or animals or anything like director Yorgos Lanthimos � previous film, �The Lobster� . It is more about how someone has to sacrifice his beloved ones because of his sins. A rather familiar theme, isn�t it?�except if you already knew Yorgos Lanthimos� works, you know things are not going any familiar. read more �

streaming movie20 Best Films of 2015.HD

Quick trivia! You see my cover image? You see that it's Leonardo DiCaprio and Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu accepting Golden Globes for The Revenant? The thing is, there's no The Revenant in this list. Lol. Lolololol. Yeah well I should not have called this list a "best films" list because this is more like a list of "favorite films". So, perhaps, in a truer "best films" list, The Revenant will undoubtedly be in such lists. read more �

streaming movie10 Best Directors of 2015.HD

Here is the third installment of 2015 Movie Recap. Picking the 10 best directors of 2015 is perhaps the most difficult and the trickiest part of this annual recap, because I think it is a real challenge to actually distinguish the director's effort from the film itself. Would good films actually translate to good directions? Or, is it the opposite: that good directions would translate to good films? Still, however, this is all my particular picks of those acclaimed directors who made these incredible films of this year. read more �