
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2014

streaming movieJaw-Dropping Jokes of BORAT Bring Uncontrollable Laughs, Guilty Pleasures, and My 5-star Rating (!).HD

There is a fine line between being funny and being gross. But when it comes to talking about the lengthy-titled comedy BORAT: CULTURAL LEARNINGS OF AMERICA FOR MAKE BENEFIT GLORIOUS NATION OF KAZAKHSTAN (or BORAT for short), the line eventually blurs. Spontaneous, controversial, sharp, and far-fetched, BORAT is the most jaw-dropping way to make fun of countries, both of others and yours. read more �

streaming movieUndeciphering Order: ENEMY is An Effective Presentation of Puzzle, Mystery, and Acting.HD

Jake Gyllenhaal is both Adam Bell, a history professor trapped in his boring life; and Anthony, a third-class actor with passion. ENEMY starts by focusing on Adam teaching his students, going home, and having sex with his spouse Mary ( Melanie Laurent ). Everyday is exactly the same, until he saw himself playing in a movie. Well, if you know that there is a person that looks exactly ( exactly ) like you, what will you do? Will you call him and ask him to meet? Will you be excited? The feeling doubles if you�re a history teacher that teaches totalitarianism and dictatorship and Karl Marx and Hegel. Parts of your lecture come to life; it�s like history repeating itself. read more �

streaming movie[FEATURE] Some Dedicated "Artworks" for THE SOCIAL NETWORK.HD

Last February I was invited by French Toast Sunday to join their "Director of the Month"-like blogathon called David Finchuary . So they were celebrating the work of director David Fincher in series of (guest) posts in February (that's why it is called Finchuary). It did not have to be reviews of his films; the post could be anything about David Fincher. I tried to come up with some great ideas, but I was stuck. Honestly I was so interested in joining the blogathon but suddenly time went so fast and it's April already. read more �

streaming movieMy (Late) Review of THE RAID 2: BERANDAL: Beautiful Art of Violence with Unexpectedly Too Much of A Thinking.HD

You can say that last night was my second visit to THE RAID 2: BERANDAL (my first visit was on March 28 when it first released in Indonesia�until a sudden chat message broke my mood into pieces and got me walked out of the cinema before the film ended ). Note: this is the first film I see in Bandar Lampung! (please say, "YEAAH!!", just to make me feel better). read more �

streaming movieSNOWPIERCER Offers A Smart, Styled, and Detailed Dystopian Theme that Could be Better.HD

Imagine an earth fully covered by snow and ice. Imagine an earth so cold that no living creatures can live outside so they look for shelters to live. That would be the earth the story of SNOWPIERCER takes place. Perhaps it would be hard for me to mention two or three other movies about dystopia and surviving, but I am sure I already knew the big line of SNOWPIERCER before actually watching it because, beside of its outstanding production design, costume design, and cinematography (and some acting!), there is nothing fresher that Bong Joon-ho offers in his debut in Hollywood. NOTE: some parts of this review may contain clues about the story of the film. Although I don�t consider them a spoiler, you who prefer knowing very little about the film before watching it are suggested to read this review only after watching it. read more �

streaming movieHow DANCER IN THE DARK Excruciates Viewers by Penetrating Bold Negativity and Cynicism.HD

That Saturday afternoon was a torture. I mean, in a good way: the kind of torture you enjoy only for the first time because you know it will be too painful to have it the second time. But who in the world enjoy being tortured? That afternoon I was watching Lars von Trier�s DANCER IN THE DARK , an irritating but frank story of how we areactually living in hell; we are just pretending that we�re not. NOTE : some parts of this review may contain clues about the story of the film. Although I don�t consider them a spoiler, you who prefer knowing very little about the film before watching it are suggested to read this review only after watching it. read more �

streaming movieWhere have you been, Akbar?.HD

It�s nearly a month away to Me On The Movie�s 2nd Anniversary but, hey, where have you been, Akbar? You haven�t posted anything in a month! Guys, this is probably gonna be an emotional story to tell. LOL. Nah, just kidding. But in a way, it might be not. The thing, I�ve just moved to a whole different city. read more �