
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2014

streaming movieGONE GIRL Special Edition: About The Cast.HD

This post contains spoilers. GONE GIRL has been in the year�s must-watch list of every movie blogger I know. There are many factors behind that fact, but the foremost would be the director. David Fincher , of course. One of the best living director, Fincher stands solidly in his �playground��this mystery-thriller genre�so it�s no doubt that people are gonna see what else Fincher is gonna do in this brand new mystery movie. The �Fincher effect�, I might call it. read more �

streaming movieGONE GIRL Special Edition: Comparing to Director's Earlier Works and Some Notes.HD

�Gone Girl� (by giving quote marks I refer to the book) is a unique presentation of a writing, although in my record the author, Gillian Flynn �I haven�t even heard of her before (or her earlier works, either)� wasn�t granted too many awards for this beautiful work . The least, I guess, is Goodreads� Choice Awards in 2012 . I�m not some avid book readers, but from the least that I know, her �Gone Girl� is very distinctive. Generally speaking, it�s unusual. read more �

streaming movieMe On The Movie Presents: GONE GIRL Special Edition!.HD

Guess what? I�VE JUST FINISHED READING �GONE GIRL� ! (Well I know it sounds too much but FYI I�m a very slow reader and this is the first American English-written novel I finish entirely�some applause won�t hurt!) You know, I don�t usually read a novel. A fiction, to be exact. The last fictional novel I read is... umm... Dan Brown�s �The Lost Symbol�? Yeah, it�s back in my college years. So why suddenly reading �Gone Girl�? Most of my reason, I know you knew, is because it�s adapted to a movie directed by David Fincher . David Fincher . And you know how much I love Fincher and his works. read more �

streaming movieSleepiness During Movies?.HD

Have you ever slept, or at least felt sleepy, while watching a movie? That's my biggest problem recently. I don't know if I was just too tired for a movie or the movie was just boring; sleepiness during movies sometimes is unavoidable. Yeah I know it's silly but I'm gonna write about it anyway, and it's great if you join me discussing this topic! read more �

streaming movieTHE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL (2014): An Incredible, Eye-Candy Tale from the Brilliant Mind of Wes Anderson.HD

You know, I�m trying to figure out which snapshots of THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL I should include in this post because I just can�t decide which. Or should I just make a GIF (a slideshow, perhaps) from the entire movie? Truthfully, I have only see two Wes Anderson �s pics: MOONRISE KINGDOM and THE DARJEELING LIMITED �plus one short film: HOTEL CHEVALIER ). They were mostly a hit-and-miss experience in spite of Wes Anderson�s mastery on art direction. Now, his brand new THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL, for me, is a 100-minute of eye-gasmic experience so mesmerizing you don�t have the need to think about its artificially quirky story at all. read more �