
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2013

streaming movieOlympus Has Fallen (2013).HD

I don't know if there are any more innovation could be added to this kind of movies. More brainy plots, more visually stunning effects, more massacres, new villains, new heroes... what else? Filmmakers need to be creative enough to renew action-thriller movies like "Olympus Has Fallen" , because if they don't, movies like this will be just other forms of reinventing the wheel. That's why I don't really like this genre because, well, beside that it is not my cup of tea, there's nothing particularly fresh from it. "Olympus Has Fallen" is still on the nearly similar track, except that Antoine Fuqua , the director, put a brand new villain in the story: Korean terrorists. read more �

streaming movieLessons from Movies: The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005).HD

AUTHOR�S NOTE: Wow, it�s been like years I haven�t posted anything in this blog. If you are one of my so-called loyal readers (if there is any), I�m so sorry. Well, my life�s a bit hard for these past few days and there�re many things I have to be involved with (and for some reason my internet connection was unimaginably lame), so... yeah, that�s why. I�m not sure if the things I mentioned previously were the actual reasons or just excuses (LOL), but the thing is, I still watch some movies these days. It�s just I didn�t have good time to write about �em. read more �

streaming movieOz the Great and Powerful (2013).HD

�The Wizard of Oz� is not quite a popular tale in my country�not as popular as, say, Snow White , Hansel & Gretel , or Pinocchio . �Oz the Great and Powerful� , handled by Sam Raimi as the director and driven by James Franco as the leading role, of course is not a promising choice. But I tried to turn off my so-called �movie-critic mode� in my mind and enjoy this fairytale�in 3D �as what it is. Still, besides of the vivid color of scenery of the Land of Oz and the three actresses in the supporting roles� Michelle Williams , Mila Kunis , and Rachel Weisz �I don�t find anything significantly amusing from it. read more �

streaming movieMy 100th Review: The Godfather (1972).HD

AUTHOR�S NOTE: I�m celebrating my 100th movie review in Me On The Movie! Wow, it�s just fascinating knowing that at least I have seen 100 movies (including 5 short movies) and made a review for each of them. You can check them all in the �Review Index� page. Thank you for your supports, readers! And that�s why I chose �The Godfather� to be reviewed for my 100th review. Although I�m not a big fan of it, it�s surely a cinematic masterpiece worth to be celebrated in this special occasion. Now it�s listed as the second position in the Top 250 IMDb , followed by �The Godfather: Part II� �its sequel. And to be honest, this is my first-time see of any of the works of Francis Ford Coppola , one of the most legendary directors in Hollywood. I�m no expert of seeing the philosophical, cultural layer, whatsoever from �The Godfather�, but what I see from it is that it has a great power of storytelling and characterization. Read more to know what I have in mind about it. read more �

streaming movieFlight (2012).HD

Actually, however good it is and whatever the way it uses to grant Denzel Washington an Oscar nomination for Best Leading Actor , this flick has never been in my watchlist. For me, "Flight" was too predictable and too plain. What I previously thought about it is that "Flight" is gonna be a one-man show. It's gonna be only Denzel Washington all around. But, again, an unfortunate coincidence made me (oh, I mean "us", because I had a friend with me at that time) watched it and, surprisingly, changed my opinion about it. read more �

streaming movieBelenggu (2013).HD

�Belenggu� is a 8-year-old dream. Upi Avianto , best known as just Upi , is the auteur-director that keeps her dream in her only mind before she got the chance to make it real. Actually, I always love seeing movies like �Belenggu� currently showing in our local cinemas. See, it is very rare seeing such kind of smart thriller movie in Indonesia �maybe it takes at least a year to see another movie like this�and that�s why I welcomed �Belenggu� so much. Despite the fact that the movie itself was not that mind-blowing, still I have this wow feeling after watching it. read more �

streaming movieA Good Day to Die Hard (2013).HD

The sky was blue, the sun shone brightly, and I didn�t expect that that day is a good day to hardly die. Haha, what am I saying. The truth is, I barely picked anything to watch just after I stepped into a cinema. But, there it goes: I guessed it was a good day to watch �A Good Day to Die Hard� . Really, action movie was never gonna be my first choice, and mixed reviews for this 5th sequel of �Die Hard� franchise, which was nearly decreasing by quality recently, gave me a feeling that I was just gonna spend my money watching crap movies. But, still, I expect that at least, I got a so-called guilty pleasure watching �A Good Day to Die Hard�. Was it that bad? read more �