
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2013

streaming movieA Piece of My Thoughts about Oscar 2013.HD

First of all, call me a real amateur movie-buff. Then you will understand why this post is gonna end this suck. So, if you expect to have a deep analysis and review, you�ll probably just have to skip this one. Haha. Anyway. Oscars was just held. It�s a climax for all movie enthusiasts and filmmakers all around the globe, including me. I feel like I wanna share my (shallow) thought about this so-called the biggest movie award in the planet (and knowing that I haven�t posted anything for the past week is kinda pushing me to, at least, write something :P). Do I feel pleased with the results of this award? read more �

streaming movie5 Best Animated Short Films Academy Award 2013.HD

The idea of this post came when I was writing my previous post, 7 short movies about love. I snapped into this cool website, , a website that focuses to gather and review short movies. So, here it is. There are five shorts competing for this year�s Oscar in category �Best Short Film (Animated)�; they are �Adam & Dog�, �Fresh Guacamole�, �Head over Heels�, �Maggie Simpsons in �The Longest Daycare��, and �Paperman�. I�m trying to review each of them from my point of view, and because I�m reviewing short movies, I�m trying to write as short as I can. read more �

streaming movieThe Blair Witch Project (1999).HD

What really makes human scared? The answers of this question may be so much different among people. Some may find crime as a terrifying thing, some others may be scared only by ghosts or inexistential beings, while the rests may be frightened by blood and gore. There might be a reason of cultural background that affects people to have different answers. Filmmakers also have different ways to show up their own creativity of �scaring viewers� in order to make a good horror movie. While many other movies struggling with how to choose good horrors, �The Blair Witch Project� struggled with how to deliver horror well. And it turns into a great success. read more �

streaming movieRectoverso (2013).HD

Adapting a novel into a movie is not an easy job, I tell you. The magic of a novel is in the words, while the magic of a movie comes from its visual and story. It�s no wonder that there are many novel-into-movie adaptation do not work out. For me, �Rectoverso� is better be enjoyed as a novel instead of a movie. It�s actually a compilation of short stories by Dewi Lestari , one of the most well-known and highly-acclaimed author in Indonesia. I remember I had a chance to read one of the short stories in �Rectoverso�, and I recalled that experience as an amazing one. Dewi �Dee� Lestari had a rare ability to play with metaphors in words, and while the book itself has a sense of audio-visual imagination�more than just words��Rectoverso� the movie is not as good as the book. read more �

streaming movie7 Short Movies About Love for Your Valentine.HD

I don�t usually celebrate February 14th, but I think it�s a good opportunity for you, movie-holic, to celebrate this so-called Valentine�s Day with some good romantic movies. But how if you don�t feel like going to cinema to watch romantic movies (although there�s a bunch of �em currently showing in cinemas), or you haven�t even bought any DVDs to watch, or you don�t even have a girlfriend ? Don�t worry, with a good internet connection you can still enjoy this day with some short movies available in Youtube . Here are my picks of 7 romantic short movies (both animation and live-action) for your Valentine, in no particular order. read more �

streaming movieRun Lola Run (1998).HD

Run, Lola! Run! She ran for like 3/4 parts of the duration and she should have burnt much calories. Haha. �Run Lola Run� is a Germany movie by Tom Tykwer , yet it�s more than just a movie of a girl named Lola who ran to reach something. I�d like to call it an out-of-ordinary movie, because it contains three parallel plots going in their own ways, and is served in a very dynamic presentation with a bunch of transition (even with an animation). It may seems untidy, but it is undoubtedly different from any other movies. Clocking for only 81 minutes, �Run Lola Run� will make you as exhausted and sweaty as the non-stop running Lola. read more �

streaming movieThere is Something with the Censorship....HD

picture taken from This is the "next post" I meant in my review on "Killer Joe" . So here's the story. Last Thursday I finally got a day-off (since I got no classes in that day), so I went to the cinemas. Actually there's no movies I eagerly wanted to see, but I just felt like I wanna go watching two movies in that day. Yes, two movies. I picked "Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters" and "Killer Joe". I checked the showtimes via internet, and because I feel it's kinda boring to watch two movies in the same cinema, so I went to two different cinemas to watch these two movies. Haha. read more �

streaming movieKiller Joe (2012).HD

I�ve never known that this movie was previously rated NC-17, before finally re-rated R in exchange to some cuts on inappropriate scenes. Maybe, if I�d known it before, I wouldn�t have watched in cinemas (lol). Also, I have never known that �Killer Joe� was directed by William Friedkin , an Oscar-winning director for the legendary horror �The Exorcist� . The thing is, this black-comedy would have been more entertaining if these inappropriate scenes were clearly shown on its screening in cinemas. Well, I think I�m gonna write another post about that. read more �

streaming movieThe ABCs of Death (2012).HD

Did any of you notice that I put this movie in the considerable part of my 2012�s year-end watchlist ? There are two big reasons why I did that. First, it�s kinda cool seeing 26 horror short films wrapped in a movie. �The ABCs of Death� can be the first movie in history that make this nightmarish idea possible. Second, Timo Tjahjanto is one of the director whose short films included in this omnibus. He�s an Indonesian director. It�s a rare opportunity seeing a product of our local cinemas packaged together with many other directors from many countries and released in Hollywood. Therefore, I watched this flick and hoped that I won�t have any nightmares in my sleep after watching it. read more �